Saturday, January 11, 2014

It feels like forever since I got back to school, not less than a week!

We got settled into the rhythm of our first block (three for the semester) and I'm more or less enjoying all of the classes. Comparative med is my favorite (of course) but the others are all interesting in different ways. I think the most brutal part of the schedule is having three hours of fish health on Mondays, and not because I don't like fish but because three hours of anything all in a row is just too much for me. The rest of the schedule is good - I get to sleep in an hour on Wednesdays and Thursdays and for two hours on Fridays.

Since I don't have junior surgery this semester, I'm excited to have the lab animal club be a little more active. We have our first lunch lecture planned: zebrafish in research. Fish are getting to be more and more important in the lab animal world (as I learned while doing AAALAC stuff this summer) so I think it should be really informative :)

In miscellaneous news, I picked Fergus up from his fish-sitter on Thursday and it's nice to have him back in the house. I got him a floating log toy for Christmas - basically a hollow log that floats near the surface. He's been in it and near it quite a bit so I think he likes it. (Am I becoming a crazy fish lady...?) I've also been touching up the last of my external rotations stuff (letters, resume, etc) and should be able to have everything on its way by next week! Unfortunately, I think my original plan of having all of my internal rotations before winter break aren't going to pan out, but on the flip side, it means I can do some of my lab animal rotations before residency applications, which isn't a bad thing.

Our class had a night out last night, which was really fun, but the rest of the weekend should be pretty low key - rotations stuff, NFL playoffs, miscellaneous academic stuff.

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