Saturday, October 1, 2011


Made it to another weekend. Midterms start October 12th and span about two weeks worth of time. It's nice that they're spread out but it also means that we're in drawn out stress period for two weeks - boo. My plan is to study extra hard this weekend and all next week in preparation of almost no studying next weekend because Danny will be here! We'll probably be at my neighbor's parents' house for Canadian Thanksgiving, which will be fun. But really, I don't care if I have to eat McDonald's for Thanksgiving as long as he's up here with me :)

Anyway, you're probably wondering what the heck is up with my subject line. Well, I went to my first lab aniaml club meeting on Thursday after class. It was a ferret wet lab, and since I worked with ferrets a ton during undergrad I felt right at home. We went over physical exams, special concerns with intact females, ultrasound and blood collection. So after we discussed everything, the campus vet said we could try a blood draw. He told the first years to pair up with some older students so I found a second and third year. We were going for the lateral saphenous - the vein on the outside of the back leg, which is approximately the width of a pin in a ferret. So the second year was looking for the vein and finally said he couldn't see it. (Meanwhile, I'd seen it while he was looking, hehe) so he passed the syringe to me. I hit that sucker on the first shot, no digging or anything. Ha! So the lab animal vet was impressed and said I was a "superstar first year" - totally made my week.

1 comment:

  1. You didn't tell me you guys were doing blood draws! Jealous!

    Congrats by the way. Superstar!
